Client Overview - Erb Brothers Landscaping

Erb Logo

What They Do:
Lots of companies talk about their passion for the work they do, but with Erb Brothers Landscaping, it's really true. And they've been doing it since 1920. The original owers set the tone and standards that have been faithfully maintained for over 90 years. They were so successful and in demand that they did very little marketing. Times have changed and so has the way people buy. Word of mouth was no longer good enough to keep Erb Brothers top of mind. It was time to implement a marketing effort.

How I’ve Helped Them:
Partnering with a marketing/graphic design firm, I led the effort to polish and reinvigorate their brand . The centerpiece of their strategy was to put an excellent Website in place first, then create other marketing materials. My role was strategic advice, creative development and writing.

Services I’ve Provided:
Brand Enhancement
Strategic Counsel

Printed Collaterals
Direct Mail

Length of Relationship:
1 1/2 years, ongoing

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